1/408 Burwood Rd Hawthorn VIC 3122

Level 1, 100 Havelock St, Perth WA 6005

Tips on Preparing Your DBI Eligibility (New or Review) Submission:

Whether you are a new builder applying for your Letter of Eligibility (LOE) or an existing builder looking to increase your limit, the key to a strong submission is the quality of the documents provided to us as your DBI Distributor. As a VMIA DBI Distributor, we have drawn from the literal thousands of application we have been involved with to address the common mistakes or oversights made by builders by compiling the following list of tips for you when applying for an LOE or a review of your existing facility.

Think Ahead – DBI is different from other lines of insurance in that your submission undergoes a thorough review and assessment process. In addition to the assessment time, you should also factor in the time you will need to collate the information we require to submit your application. We recommend that you constantly review your available limits against your pipeline to assess the timing for your next review. If you require any assistance or tips on how to better manage your facility, please feel free to give our office a call.

Be Prepared – You will be provided with a comprehensive checklist of documents we will need to submit your application. The completeness and accuracy of these documents are of paramount importance as we are unable to submit your application without all of the documents requested. We recommend compiling all of the documents first and then emailing them all to us in the one email as opposed to multiple emails over a period of time.

Ask for Help – Understanding the process and the purpose of the documents required is critical in you providing us with all the pertinent information to assist with your application. It is important for you to know the reasons for the information we require so that you can provide us with the most accurate and complete responses.

At CCM, our goal is to make this process as easy as possible for you and to answer all your questions along the way so please do not hesitate to contact us. Obtaining your builders license or obtaining that increase that lets you build your business is an important stage of any builders growth. We will assist you in putting your best foot forward in presenting the most accurate and complete application for you and your business. Need more help or want to discuss your needs further? We are only a phone call away. Call us now and arrange a meeting to discuss your needs.

Phone: 9853 4688
